From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

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Intro to Express

Intro to Express

- [Instructor] The serve module allows us to serve static content, but that's just one option. In order to complete the task of building the ski dictionary web application, we're going to need some more control. We will use express to help us build and customize a web-app that serves files and handles definitions over our rest API. So what we want to do first, aside from making sure we're in the right folder, is our project doesn't have. It has this client folder, but we also need a package JSON. If we don't care too much about configuring these options, we can run an npm knit -y. This is going to initialize our project with all of the defaults. So we have start, version, all of those things. You can always go in here and change this. I could call this ski-dictionary. We could customize anything else we wanted to. The next thing we'll do is we'll run npm install express to install our express dependency. This is going to…
