From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

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Handling DELETE requests

Handling DELETE requests

- [Instructor] There's one last thing to do. If we go to the Network tab, and then we click on the trashcan icon next to one of these terms, and then we say OK, we're noticing that there's a 404 error here. There's some sort of a problem. Cannot DELETE /dictionary/huck. Our client is trying to send a delete request to our API. And the term that the client wants to delete is being described by the route itself, /dictionary/huck. So no problem. Express automatically handles routing parameters for us, which makes it easier to capture and use this data. So let's go ahead and add a delete route to our API. All right, so we want to call app.delete. We're going to use dictionary/ and then we'll use a parameter here. We know it's a parameter because we use the colon. So whatever that term is. Huck, drop, whatever. So that'll take the place of that term. Then we want to call a callback function, request and response, and…
