From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Walking through your model

- [Instructor] It seems fitting that the first actual navigation we should do is walking. This is the navigation command that you'll probably use the most. What's awesome about Navisworks is the ability to walk through your model. Sure, other programs give you this flexibility but Navisworks does it in a manner that does not bog your computer down as you're doing it. So to get started, I'm going to jump into Navisworks. Click Open. Browse to where you're keeping your exercise files in your Navisworks folder. I'd like to grab NavisworksEssential.nwd. Again, on the bottom here, make sure files of type is set for NWD or NWF, or NWC or all of them. Remember, you can hit the fly-out, grab all Navisworks Works files or you can choose the specific one that you want. I just like to go with this one 'cause it's easier. I'm going to grab NWD, the Navisworks Essentials Model. Then click open. Perfect. Now what I'd like to do is come over to our navigation bar that we studied in the last video. I'd like to come down to where these little feet are. If it doesn't have a feet icon, hit the fly out and make sure that you have walk selected. Now we'll see that we have two little feet that replace our cursor. If we hold down the pick button that is the left mouse button and move your mouse forward, notice that we are advancing on the model. If we move it to the right, we go to the right. If we move it to the left, we go to the left. I'd like to kind of come over this way a little bit and start going forward. Now, I want to take a sharp turn. Notice that when I'm turning, you can pull your cursor back and you're kind of looking at it 'cause if you hold down your wheel button, you can kind of walk to the side. It's kind of a half walk, half pan. If you hold down your wheel button again, you can come straight down. I'm doing that by holding down the middle button and pulling my cursor down towards me. I'm going to line up to any one of these rooms. I'm going to click my pick button. I'm going to go right into one of these rooms. I have bad aims, so I'm going to get up kind of close to it. Hold my wheel button, kind of look down and I'm going to go straight into my room. Now, what we can do, I don't really like the fact that I'm looking at the ground. If you roll your wheel button towards you, notice that it will kind of look up or down. I'm going to walk into this room here. It doesn't matter what room you're in. It's kind of cool that the grids are turned on but right now I'm annoyed. If you go to your view button, notice that we have a show grid icon. Uncheck that. Aha. I like that a lot better. If we scroll into here, what we're going to do is we're going to walk right through this door into the hallway. The floor looks funny but we'll look at that in the selection chapter. Now again, we can look up, we can look down. Practice doing that. Since this is kind of a tight corridor, I want us to turn around. This is what takes the most practice in Navisworks. Sometimes I screw this up too. So let's come over to that wall and turn around. Kind of like we're driving a semi truck. There we go. We can come down to the front and I want to kind of come in through this door here. Kind of turn around in this room. Hold down your wheel button. Let's go right down through this floor. Notice that we can pan right down through into the room below us. Back outside. We can turn around. Now remember, if we pull our cursor towards us by holding down the pick button, we're going to basically go in reverse. You getting the hang of it? Middle button, hold down, pan up. If we want to look at our roof, we can kind of navigate over. Go straight in over the peak, up to our systems on our roof. Keep practicing that. That is one of the most important functions of Navisworks.
