From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Viewing a model in Glue

Viewing a model in Glue

- [Instructor] Now that the models are exported, or glued, from Revit, we can go see what we have. What I'd like to do in this video is go into Glue and see how we can look at our models. So let's jump into our BIM 360 project. We'll go to BIM 360 Glue under our project. This is my Autodesk Mixed Use Community Project. Now, right here, we don't have any merged models. Let's go to the Models button. And you see we have two models. Go ahead and click on one of 'em. And what's probably going to happen is if you don't have the Internet Explorer tab activated, you can't see it. Great, so let's back out of here. Right-click on this tab, click on the IE Tab Options, and you could open an IE tab. Now if you don't have the IE tab, this should download the IE Tab Helper. If you didn't get any of those choices, you can go to where we're keeping our exercise files. You'll see IE Tab Helper, you can run this. If you don't get any…
