From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Using the Selection Inspector

Using the Selection Inspector

- At Navisworks we have what's called the Selection Inspector. As opposed to just selecting an item and reviewing the properties, the Selection Inspector really allows us to examine what it is we actually have and allows us to zoom in and out of the model. For example, if we go into Navisworks, go to Open, grab NavisworksEssential.nwd, click Open. I just want to pick on one of these panels. I use my Orbit tool. Kind of zoom around. I'm going to right-click and I'm going to Select System Panel. Now, if we click on this button right here this is called Selection Inspector. Now what we're going to see is we can show the item, that'll zoom in on it, we can deselect it, we can insert it into a group 'cause it's our ID value, our name, and our type. So looking at this, if we go to our Quick Property Definitions we can add more definitions to this. We've done this before in the Options Editor. The more we put here,…
