From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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The three Navisworks versions

The three Navisworks versions

- [Instructor] To begin with, there are three different versions of Navisworks. These three different versions differ in functionality from full-blown to a really nice reader. The price can range from over $8,000 to absolutely free. So let's take a look at the three different Navisworks versions, starting with Navisworks Manage, we'll look at Navisworks Simulate, then we're going to take a look at Navisworks Freedom. The first version we'll talk about is Navisworks Manage. This is the full-blown Navisworks. This has all the features we're going to cover in this course. It costs over $8,000. The next version we'll look at is Simulate. Simulate does not have clash detection. You also cannot do interference checking in Simulate. Simulate's less expensive, it costs over $2,000. Last but not least, we'll look at Freedom. Freedom is a free viewer. You cannot save a file in freedom. You have a timeline playback function, but…
