From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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- [Instructor] To see behind the scenes in Navisworks it's a good idea to look at some of the settings. We'll kind of brush through a few of them in this video but I want you to just know where they're at. So let's open up our NavisworksEssential.nwd model and if you click on the N and go down to Options, we'll start to see some options. There's quite a few of them. I'm just going to clap my tree to make sure I'm looking at the same thing you are. I'll drill into General. We won't go through every single one but just a couple important ones such as Undo. The buffer size is 512. Basically what that means is if we hit Undo, it's going to undo zooms as well which is not like Revit, but it's what happens. So the larger this number, the longer the zooms are, like if you're walking, we'll undo. Autos-Save, yeah, I like to have that turned on and it saves a file to your AutoSave directory in your local. I like this 'cause I…
