From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Saving selections as a set

Saving selections as a set

- [Instructor] I hate searching for the same thing over and over again. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to find an item, or an entire group of items, and save that selection as a set? Well, you can. Finding multiple items can be performed in multiple ways. The objective of this video, is to find a group of items in two ways. One is in the selection tree and the other is by selecting an item in the model. Then we can save the results as a selection set. So, to follow along, let's jump into Navisworks. Let's go, open. Let's grab NavisworksEssential.nwd, open that up. Let's grab some items in the model first. So, I am going to kind of pivot around, to about here. I'm going to come in here and I want to grab a bunch of these room doors. So, if I right-click. I select balcony door. What I can do is if I go to the home tab and I click select, same name. I'm going to grab all those balcony doors in my model. But I…
