From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Saving a viewpoint

- [Instructor] Let's talk about what's called viewpoints. Every time you change a view in Navisworks, you're looking at what is called a viewpoint. Having a good understanding of how to use viewpoints can be of big help as you begin to get a grip on Navisworks. There's an entire tab dedicated to viewpoints that we should start looking at. So let's take a look at how we can use, save and name a viewpoint. The objective of this video is to create a viewpoint by using the save viewpoint command so anyone can easily see them. To get started, I'm going to open up my NavisworksEssential model and it should open to the default view. The last time I was using this, I had my collision and gravity turned on. So make sure these items are turned off. I'm going to walk over to my model. I'm going to kind of swing around here. I'm going to pan down, roll my mouse towards me and I'm going to start walking in. If this is still difficult, make sure you keep practicing on walking around in Navisworks. Perfect. I'm going to come into this bathroom here and I'm going to turn around. Ooh, that looks nice. I can almost see my shadow. Jump to the viewpoint tab. Now click Save Viewpoint. It adds your save viewpoint panel, and for the view, we'll call it Typical Bathroom Sink. Then hit enter. Cool. Now what we can do, we can just change our view. I'm going to click the View Cube and maybe click my little home button. What we've done is we've left a trail of breadcrumbs. I kind of like this view too. So I'm going to click on Save Viewpoint and I'll call it Home and hit enter. So now if you just click on Typical Bathroom Sink, we're in that viewpoint. And if you click on Home, we're back to our home screen. Let's go back to Typical Bathroom Sink, and maybe we'll turn around and we'll look back here. Take a picture of that TV. So let's click Save Viewpoint. Let's call it Guest Room TV and hit enter. Good. We're doing well. Now what we can do is we can organize these. Notice that we already have some defaults. When we export a model from Revit, it's going to actually bring in the 3D views that are in those models. They're usually not that helpful. Sometimes they are. I like to make my views here. So I'm going to right click and I'm going to go to New Folder. And for that, I'll call it Typical Guest Room. Hit enter. Now I'm going to grab Typical Bathroom Sink, and I'm going to grab Guest Room TV. And I'm going to simply click on this little white thing here and I'm just going to hold down my pick button and drag 'em into my Typical Guest Room folder. Now we'll see that we have our Typical Guest Room Typical Bathroom Sink, and we have Guest Room TV. And of course, we can jump back to our home tab if we want to. So there you go. That's how you save viewpoints in Navisworks. Now, anytime anyone comes into the model, you can say, hey, go look at Typical Bathroom. I have some questions for you.
