From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Rotating your model with the Orbit tool

Rotating your model with the Orbit tool - Navisworks Tutorial

From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Rotating your model with the Orbit tool

- [Instructor] The orbit tool Navisworks is quite common. It's actually one of my favorites. As opposed to the walk tool, the orbit tool is there for you to rotate your entire model or to more easily zoom in and out of specific areas. Navisworks can be a tad quirky when it comes to orbiting but this is going to be one function you want to master. So to get started, let's open up that NavisworksEssentials.nwd. What you can do if you click on the N, notice that you can open up the most recently opened documents or of course you can click open and you should default to your last directory. Grab my favorite NavisworksEssentials.nwd and click open. Now instead of the walk, let's come over here now to our orbit button. If you press and hold the left button, you can orbit around. See how this is different from walk. Walking lets you kind of advance on the model, the orbit tool unless you pivot around it. But notice there is a…
