From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Navisworks file types

Navisworks file types

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the file types in Navisworks. There are three different types of Navisworks files. The first is an NWC, this is called the Navisworks cash file. There's an NWF, this called the Navisworks file set, and last but not least, there's an NWD. This is a native Navisworks model. Let's take a look at NWC. NWC, like we said, is called the Navisworks cache file. This file is generated in two ways. If you open any kind of file directly, Navisworks will generate an NWC. This file acts as the interpreter between Navisworks and the software you're using. When you export a file from say, Revit; that export will generate an NWC file. This file can then be merged or appended into Navisworks. A NWC file cannot be saved. The second type of file is called a NWF. This file will serve as a host for all the merge or appended files. This file will actually contain live links to the contributing NWC…
