From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Looking at the navigation bar

Looking at the navigation bar

- [Instructor] If there's one toolbar you're going to cling to it's the navigation bar. It's that little toolbar to the right of the window. It has all our, well, navigation commands, conveniently parked on it. This video will delve into, first, finding how to restore it if it disappears, and second, we'll look at the options. And third, we'll look at the associated tools on the navigation panel. So let's jump it to Navisworks. We don't have to have a model open. Notice that there's a bar over here. It's on by default, but there's a little X right here. Sometimes for some reason, people turn it off. Go ahead and click on that little close button. It's gone. If you go to the view tab, and then click navigation bar, it's back. Now that we have the bar back up, you can either hit this little dropdown here and go to navigation bar options, or you could right click it up here and go to global options. That brings up our…
