From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Looking around your model

Looking around your model

- [Narrator] I like the Look Around tool for two reasons. One is the icon. It's an eyeball. The second reason is what it actually does. This tool allows you to stop and look around as if you're just standing there. What's also nice about this tool is the fact you can use it in conjunction with other navigate tools, such as Pan, Orbit, Walk. So let's get started and jump in. I'm going to click Open, grab NavisworksEssentials. As I mentioned before, we can use it in conjunction with other navigate commands. So I want to click Walk. I want to start walking. Certainly you've been practicing this command. I'm going to walk over. I'm going to hold down my wheel button. Notice that we can go diagonally too. And I want to go into any random room. I'm going to roll my middle wheel button so I can kind of adjust my view. Again, if you hold down the middle wheel button, you can sort of align yourself with that item. Let's go…
