From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Hiding and turning on objects

Hiding and turning on objects

- [Instructor] Because Navisworks is a building information modeling application, we can control the visibility of objects based on what they are, not what layer they're on. That being said, we can control if we can even see the item or not. The tricky part here is once we hide an object how do we ever find it again? Turning objects back on is actually harder than turning them off. In this video, we'll look at hiding objects, then searching for them in the selection tree to turn them back on. We'll also look at hiding every element in the model and we'll also look at isolating the element that we have selected. Let's jump into Navisworks and of course we'll go open, grab Navisworks Essentials and WD and click open. I am going to drive into my favorite area, my roof. Maybe we'll pick something different this time. I'm going to grab this unit ventilator down blast, right click on it and click hide. It's gone now, where'd…
