From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Grouping and assigning clashes

Grouping and assigning clashes - Navisworks Tutorial

From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Grouping and assigning clashes

- [Instructor] As I may have mentioned, once we start getting these clashes down to a minimum, it almost becomes fun. The purpose of this video is to reduce these clashes further by grouping some clashes. Once we group these clashes, every clash in that group will be reduced to one single clash. For example, let's go to the results tab. I see a bunch of clashes that are pretty similar. So if I scroll all the way down to clash 35, that's a pretty common clash, I'm going to scroll up a little bit until I get to clash 20. Hold on my shift key and select all of these clashes. Looks exactly the same. Now right here, I'm going to click on group selected clashes. For the new group, I'm just going to click into here. I'm going to rename that to sprinkler clashes. I know there's tons of sprinkler clashes but that's what we're going to name this one. Not what I want to do is go to assign. I'm going to sign this to sprinkler guy.…
