From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Exporting the TimeLiner

Exporting the TimeLiner

- [Instructor] So welcome to the movie business. If you have clients who could never possibly open Navisworks and push a play button, this features for you. We can actually export this movie to a video file for others to enjoy or to put it into a presentation if desired. Since the movie's already created, there's no sense hiding it. So let's jump into our structural model. Let's go to the simulate tab. Down at the very end of it you'll see an export animation button. Go ahead and click that. For the source, instead of current animation let's select time liner simulation. For the renderer, let's select Viewport. For the output, we do not want jpeg because you're going to sit there for half an hour watching it export a bunch of pictures. I'm going to grab Windows AVI. Of course there's options for Windows AVI, let's keep it at full frames uncompressed, 'cause I'm sure that's what everyone has. Depending on what else…
