From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Exporting from Revit to Navisworks

Exporting from Revit to Navisworks - Navisworks Tutorial

From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Exporting from Revit to Navisworks

- [Instructor] In this video I'd like to review how to export Revit to Navisworks. As we saw before, we can open a Revit model directly. But a lot of times we're going to want to export it. It could be that we're sending it to someone or we just want a little more control over what we see. The first thing I'll do is jump into Revit. Under models, I'll go open. Grab the architectural model first, or again, you can open up any model that you want. Click open. We're in a 3D view now, but I would like to make a copy of this 3D view. In the project browser, let's scroll down to 3D, right click, duplicate view. Let's select duplicate. If you select 3D copy one, and then click it again, let's rename it to Navisworks Space Export and then hit enter. The reason we're doing this is 'cause we want to control our visibility graphics. So what happens is when we export this, we're going to say I want to export the view that we're…
