From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Downloading necessary EXE files

Downloading necessary EXE files - Navisworks Tutorial

From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

Downloading necessary EXE files

- [Instructor] It's so annoying that we have to have these add-ons. "Just make it work," huh? Well it doesn't work right out of the box so we have to go find different add-ons. We need to find two of them actually. The objective of this video is to find, download, and install the BIM 360 glue add-on as well as the Navisworks add-on. To get started let's go to our BIM 360 admin page by going to Search for your project. Mine's Autodesk Mixed Use Community. Double click on your projects. Go to services. Now under Services notice that we have BIM 360 Glue on the bottom here. Go down to BIM 360 glue, click that. We need an add-in so we can export this stuff from Revit. So within our Autodesk BIM 360 Glue panel, go to the picture with your face on it, or it could just have your name. Click the dropdown. Let's go to downloads. Here we have downloads. They should have 2023 available…
