From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Creating a script

Creating a script

- [Instructor] Suppose we had an animation that we would kind of like to make into a movie. How would we do that? After all, creating an animation is kind of cool but when would we use it? What we need to do is create a script that says, "Run an animation when I get to within a few feet of the door." By creating a script, we can add what is called "the hotspot to the door." The hotspot is the radius that we can use while we're walking. Once we cross into the hotspot, the door opens. Once we exit the hotspot, the door closes. So let's get started. Let's go back into Room 2015. Let's go to our Home tab. Notice I got rid of the Animator dialogue. I would like to now turn on the Scripter dialogue. Perfect. Now, the first thing that we're going to need to do is add a script. So right here, let's click on Add New Script. Let's call it Door 2015. And hit enter. The next thing we need to do is create on hotspot. So…
