From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Appending and merging models

Appending and merging models

- [Instructor] There are two different ways to bring new models into an existing Navisworks model. One way is to append and one way is to merge. The first question I had the first time I use Navisworks was, "What's the difference between appending, and merging a model? Let's see. In Navisworks, we can add markups, and measurements and save those as a view. So if we go back to home, go to append, hover over it, it's going to duplicate that content, meaning basically it's going to keep it. If we go to merge, what happens is if we bring this model back in it's going to overwrite that stuff. So just let's get used to append items. Let's click append. I'm going to browse where I'm keeping my Navisworks models. Now I'm going to grab architectural, hold down the control key and select mechanical. We can grab both at the same time. Let's click open. If you hold down your shift key, and your wheel button,…
