From the course: Navisworks Essential Training 2023

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Adding links

Adding links

- [Instructor] Here's where Navisworks starts to get really cool, as if it's not cool enough already. Suppose you're handing a model to a client that wants to manage their facility. Wouldn't it be cool if that individual could just go into the model, walk over to an object, such as a rooftop unit, select it and get the specs, warranty information, photographs, website and drawings for that item? Well, Navisworks can actually do that. By right clicking on an item in Navisworks and selecting add link, we can either link to a file or a URL. We can also turn on links. All we have to do is click on the link icon and you'll be taken to the desired location. So let's jump in to Navisworks. We'll go open. We'll grab NavisworksEssential.nwd. I'm going to hover my cursor right over this unit here. Right click and I'm going to select AHU 301. On my View Cube, I'm just going to click on this button right here and it zooms me…
