From the course: Nano Tips for Avoiding Burnout with Kim Kaupe

How to evaluate boundaries to avoid burnout

From the course: Nano Tips for Avoiding Burnout with Kim Kaupe

How to evaluate boundaries to avoid burnout

- The best way to combat burnout is to get things off your plate. The best way to get things off your plate is to reassess your to-do list. Itemize your to-do list based off everything that you're currently working on. Next, put a little star over things that you specifically have to do, that means no one else can do that job but you. Once you've made the list, it's time to reassess it. Here's the first step. Check out your list and see what are the things on the list that you and only you can do. No one else, no matter how smart and talented they are could do those things. An example of that might be to go to the bank, or to do important business paperwork. However, I know that's not the only thing on your list, there are plenty of other things on your list that I bet some people could help you out with whether those are work colleagues or friends, roommates or family members that are living with you. Things like take out the trash, or go to the grocery store doesn't have to land on your shoulders. It's time to reassign those tasks to other people who are not currently experiencing burnout. You can phrase your intro to them like this, hi, person name here. I'm experiencing overwhelm and burnout, I said yes to one too many things and I'm hoping you can help me out. For a few weeks, can you help me out by, insert blank here, could be take out the trash, could be help with some work assignments until I can figure out how to balance all my to dos in a manageable way again, appreciate you helping me out with this. Study your to-do list, figure out what you can reassign, so that you can realign yourself in the right direction.
