From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Work with shared OneNote notebooks

Work with shared OneNote notebooks - Microsoft Teams Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

Work with shared OneNote notebooks

- In this video, we will see how to share Notebooks from OneNote in Microsoft teams. So you can collaborate on them with your team members. So you should start in a team channel or private chat and we're going to add a new tab up at the top. So you can see we have the post tab and we have the files tab as well as any other additional tabs you might have added. I'm going to click the Plus button over here on the right to make a new tab. And then I'm going to choose OneNnote from here. Next, you have two options. You can choose a Notebook that you already have or you can create a new Notebook. For example, this print materials notebook is stored on my personal OneDrive. If I share it with this team, it will still be stored on my one drive but the other members of this team will be able to open and edit that notebook. Also, there is a shared notebook that is here automatically created for every team whether you use it or…
