From the course: Microsoft Copilot: The Art of Prompt Writing

Explore Copilot Lab

From the course: Microsoft Copilot: The Art of Prompt Writing

Explore Copilot Lab

- [Instructor] Possibly one of the toughest parts about using Copilot is just figuring out what you can do with it. We know that it can do a ton of things to help you increase both your productivity and creativity, but if you're just getting started with Copilot in certain apps, you might not know what to ask it for, or you might feel that you don't have a grasp of the range of its capabilities. Fortunately, Microsoft has an incredible free resource called Copilot Lab, which you can find by pointing your browser at Copilot Lab is a comprehensive learning resource where you can build your skills and knowledge of Copilot through the collection of articles, videos, and library of ready-made prompt examples you can find here. The site is constantly updated, so you can always find the most current information and inspirations to help you increase your Copilot skills. Now, because the site is frequently updated, it might not look exactly the same here as it does when you visit it, but it's easy to find your way around. Currently here near the top, we have some entry-level videos on what Copilot is and the basics of what a prompt is. Below that, we'll find the icons for the apps in which you can use Copilot. Here we can click See All to see all of the app icons. And from here, if you wanted to find some inspiration for how you can use Copilot in PowerPoint, for example, we can just click its icon, and that takes me to the Copilot in PowerPoint page. And we can scroll through here and look at some of the ideas. Clicking Learn More will open up a tab with a support article on how to perform this task in PowerPoint with Copilot. Scrolling further down on this page, I can click the different prompt types, like Create, Edit, Understand, and Ask, to see examples of other prompts in these categories. Let's scroll back up and go back to Copilot Lab. Now, underneath the app area, we have this "Powerful prompts, a click away" area, and this is where you can see examples of prompts you can use for a wide range of purposes. I'll click View All Prompts, and that brings us to prompts to try. So this is a curated collection of powerful, useful prompts you can try. And you can see by the icons in the lower left-hand corners of each one that there are prompts for all the different Microsoft apps in which you can find Copilot. If you want to narrow things down to specific apps, you can click the app menu and then select the app or apps you want to see the prompt examples for. And you can further narrow down things by selecting a category from this menu. So if one of these prompts looks interesting, just click it, and here you can see the prompt in its entirety. Clicking the Copy button copies the prompt to your computer's clipboard, with the exception of the bracketed words that you see here, which you'll have to fill in yourself. And then you can paste the prompt into Word or whichever app you're using and customize the prompt for yourself. If you're logged in, you'll also see a Save button here where you can bookmark your favorite prompts, so you can access them easily later. We can also click the Share button to copy a link to this prompt. So if this is a prompt you think a friend or colleague might find useful, you can send them the link. So for example, if I create a new tab and paste in that link I just copied, this is what they'll see. Also, with each prompt, you'll usually see a tip on how to get the best results or to customize the prompt. In this case, we have a tip that tells us this prompt works best if the document contains a lot of quality information about the topic you're asking for. And you also find related prompts under More Like This. Let's go back to the main Copilot Lab screen again. Next we have this Art of Prompting area, and this is where you'll find articles on how to write effective prompts, much like we've been discussing throughout this course. I do recommend downloading this toolkit, which is a PDF that you can use as a handy reference to refresh yourself on the best practices for effective prompt writing. And you can see that here. And again, this is a document that's always being updated. Now, it's also worth mentioning that you can get to Copilot Lab from most of the M365 applications. For example, in Word, in the Copilot panel, click the View Prompts button and then click View More Prompts. This displays several Word-related prompts you can try. Or here we can click See All Prompts, which opens up your browser and brings you back into Copilot Lab. And from here, you can access all of the curated prompts, as well as the rest of Copilot Lab. So be sure to spend some time in Copilot Lab to continue increasing your skills and knowledge and to boost your productivity and creativity.
