From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

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Use @ to get someone's attention

Use @ to get someone's attention

From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

Use @ to get someone's attention

- [Instructor] If you're sending a message out to a person or group of people and you want to get the attention of someone else, you can mention them in the actual message itself. If you mention them with the @ sign a few things are going to happen. Take a look at this new message I started, sending it out Lynn about expense receipts, need to get them into finance ASAP as Raj in accounting needs them by the end of the week. Well as you can see I haven't typed in Raj's name. In fact, I'm not going to just simply type in his name. I'm going to use the @ sign first. With the @ sign I get access to my contacts. And if I want to I can narrow this list down by starting to type in Raj, R-A. You can see there he is, Raj Kumar. Selecting him from the list now adds him but he looks different in the message. That's an actual link. We can click this to go to the contact card or this person. I can close this up when I'm done looking. I can be less formal by clicking just after the last name and…
