From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

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Stock and geographic data types

Stock and geographic data types

From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

Stock and geographic data types

- [Instructor] There's a couple of new data types here in Excel and Office 365, both are linked to online sources, giving you instant access to all kinds of information. The two data types are geography and stocks. And if you want to follow along, simply type in some information on a blank worksheet like I have. I've added some headings here for country and company name, but as you can see, all I've done is go down to the various cells and type in some country names and some company names down below. The first step is to convert that content to the appropriate data type. Let's start with our countries. Clicking and dragging across the country names to select them all, you'll then go up to the data tab, and it's here under data types where you'll see the two data types I'm talking about. Stocks, for stock prices, tickers, general company information and a whole lot more. Geography by changing to that data type, is going to allow you to access information about those countries. Like…
