From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

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Find sources and more with Researcher

Find sources and more with Researcher

From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

Find sources and more with Researcher

- [Instructor] Sometimes the most difficult part of putting a document together here in Microsoft Word is the research you need to put into it. Citing sources, creating bibliographies for example. With the research assistant, all of that gets faster and easier and there are some enhancements we'll see here in Office 365. You can have a document going if you like, you're typing away, you need to research a topic. All you do is go up to the references tab and click researcher. That opens up the researched pane over here on the right hand side. There's two headings. Find sources, currently selected, where we can start our research without even leaving Microsoft Word and then anything we actually use gets saved or stored under my research. So, if we wanted to start typing in something like the topic that we're dealing with in my document, artificial intelligence, I simply type that in and press enter. And you can see what's happening, relevant topics appear up here at the top. Down below,…
