From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

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Extract and split text

Extract and split text

- [Instructor] Sometimes when working with text here in Microsoft Excel, text you may have imported from another location like a Word document or a PowerPoint slide, the text needs a lot of work after the fact. It all appears in a single cell and then it needs to be split up across various columns or rows or maybe you just need to extract pieces of that text and use it in your spreadsheet. While there are some new formulas to help with that, we're going to explore text split to take content and split it across multiple columns or rows and then two extraction options. Text before and text after. We're going to do it with some content I've imported and if you want to follow along with me, just type this into a cell. Here in cell C14, you can see I have Jan, Feb, all the way to December. It's all in a single cell even though it spreads across multiple empty cells, it's all contained in this one cell. And there is a…
