From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

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Create better lists with Designer

Create better lists with Designer

From the course: Microsoft 365 New Features

Create better lists with Designer

- [Instructor] It's probably safe to say that the majority of people using Power Point in Office 365 to create presentations are not professional slide designers, but that's okay, there's help built in to Power Point. We're gonna check out the Designer here with a slide that typically might be considered the most boring to look at, the bulleted list. If you have one open, and you need help with design ideas, how to make it more visually appealing, go to the Design tab, and way off to the right, you'll find Design Ideas. Clicking this opens up a pane on the right-hand side. The slide that's currently selected will be displayed in thumbnail representations using a number of different design ideas, and as you scroll through the list, you get an idea of what it's going to look like if you were to make one of these selections. So if you see something you like, you simply select it from the list and it's applied. Choose something else to see what that looks like. Now, if you're working on a…
