From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course is a macOS IT administration foundation course for anyone with a systems administration background who finds themselves responsible for Mac administration. If you want to administer macOS systems, this course is a great place to flood yourself with a lot of useful administrative inspired information. What you will need is a Mac running the latest version of macOS. If you want to follow along in the sidecar movie, you'll need an Mac and an iPad that are both on Apple's compatibility list for that feature. If you want to follow along in the JAMF MDM movies, it would be useful to stop at this time and get a free trial of JAMF Pro, although I will point out it's not necessary to follow along with that movie. Of note, there is no need for Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager in this course, though they will be important if you decide to use JAMF Pro for actual systems administration. For some movies, having an additional Mac handy running the latest macOS is useful to see interconnected Macs. So what should you know? I assume in this course that you have an understanding of computers and networks, and I assume that you know how the Internet works conceptually. Understanding how hardware and software interact, and having a basic curiosity about how Macs work under the hood will help you to maintain interest through to the end of this course. The information presented in this course is a consolidated presentation of the most frequently asked questions and most commonly misunderstood aspects of macOS by IT administrators I've encountered in the field. If you want to learn some of the most useful administrative skills available join me, and let's dig in now with the IT admin guide to macOS.
