From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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What is a plist file?

What is a plist file?

- [Instructor] A PLIST file is a text file that resides in an appropriate layer of the multi-domain system within preferences folder inside one of the library folders that is named in accordance with the reverse domain naming structure that identifies the developer and the application the preference refers to. The files are written in binary but displayed as XML. It contains an XML formatted key structure that identifies specific preferences and how those preferences should activate or take effect in the application. Preferences, aka PLIST files, can exist at any level of the multi-domain hierarchy. PLIST files are stored in binary format, as I said before, but, as you can see here, you could use Quicklookd on a Mac by selecting a file and pressing the space bar to easily see its contents. The contents are presented in XML format. So learning how to read XML would be an advantage to you as a system administrator.…
