From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Troubleshooting file sharing connections

Troubleshooting file sharing connections - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Troubleshooting file sharing connections

- [Man] If you try the recommended techniques to connect to a server on your network and the connection fails, there are a few things you'll want to check. First, the obvious. Maybe it is working and you just can't see it. Go to Finder preferences for the View options on the desktop and just enable that checkbox. You can enable that feature on your entire fleet in an MDN profile too. Be sure you have the right IP address or DNS name typed out. Just double-check everything you typed. If you are depending on a Bonjour connection, maybe you aren't on the right network. After all, Bonjour name broadcasting by default only is visible on the same subnet where their broadcaster is. If you're trying to access the server on a different VLAN with its Bonjour name, that's not going to work, unless your network admin has enabled Bonjour to allow broadcasting across subnets and VLANs. And that brings up an important point. Just…
