From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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The many layers of macOS

The many layers of macOS - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

The many layers of macOS

- [Instructor] In macOS a library is a place where you find resources and those resources can be things like fonts or preferences or files that support the function of applications. macOS has always been a multi-user operating system. It was designed from the beginning to not only support more than one user account on a computer, but to function entirely as if it belonged to the user currently using it. On every Mac as many users as necessary can have a personal user experience on that Mac with their own user account. When logged into their account the user will have their own unique desktop picture and Dock arrangement and potentially their own fonts. It works like this, each level is a different domain. The system uses the resources it encounters first when looking for that resource in the following order. Users is the first level searched in the system when looking for resources. If the item required is found at this level…
