From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Network ports you need to know

Network ports you need to know - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Network ports you need to know

- [Narrator] Network ports are associated with services that run on computers and across networks. Firewalls control access to services by allowing or blocking base ports in and out of a network. Client systems can also control access to ports in and out of themselves, providing an additional layer of protection. These are the network ports that I encounter in the field as I work with Enterprise IT clients that need to be opened for Apple products and related management products to function properly. Now, MDM is so mission critical to the management of devices, that it absolutely deserves to be put first here. Happily, however, MDM typically starts to function over some pretty common ports that will likely already be open. 80 and 443 are http unencrypted and encrypted, and 443 is always preferred. If you have a proxy server, you may need to have port 8080, allowed upstream to the MDM server as well if it is Cloud based.…
