From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Local users and groups

Local users and groups

- [Instructor] Users and Groups are the accounts and groups of accounts with which you can operate the computer, as long as you know the unique username and password combination, associated with the user account you wish to use. You can make groups of your own to group user accounts together in a unique way if you wish, or you can accept the assignment of pre-existing groups like admin and staff that define your access to the system. As an administrator who could do virtually anything. Such as install new programs, modify system level preferences, and more. Or staff which gives you standard access to the system minus the administrative capabilities to change critical system settings like network addresses, and security settings. You can create folders and files on storage both inside the computer and attached to the computer, and based on your user and with the group you belong to you could be assigned the ability to read, to…
