From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Local and remote administration

Local and remote administration - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Local and remote administration

- [Instructor] You may have heard that Macs can be administered locally or remotely. Well, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? The difference between working on a Mac remotely and locally is that you're working locally, you're right in front of the Mac. You can do things that you just can't do remotely. Namely, you can touch it. For that reason, you know things that would be hard to know and troubleshoot things that would be impossible if you weren't right there. You can do things like restart it with modifier keys to redirect the boot process. You can unplug the power. You can connect and disconnect physical resources. But while there's no substitute for physical access, a well prepared administrator can work wonders from a distance. All that is needed is some preparation and an understanding of the tools. Remote administration can take a lot of different forms. We can use messages, for example, to…
