From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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How caching works

How caching works

- Content caching works like this for software updates, but the same back and fourth happens when you purchase content on any of Apple's app stores, or access content from Apple's content servers. So it starts with a user or administrator initiating a software update query from a Mac or another Apple device. Apple responds with an available update list. The client then requests a download. Apple tries to send the file securely over port 443, but will fall back to port 80 or port 443 as bluff. Then the client checks signatures, verify software authenticity, and installs the software. Now, if a caching server is present, the same process happens for the most part. A client makes the query. Apple gives a list of available updates. The client requests specific update, but in this case, I'll point out that Apple always checks the public IP address associated with the request that's being made. It does this to see if the caching…
