From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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FileVault administration

FileVault administration - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

FileVault administration

- In today's enterprise world, basic security requirements typically insist on full disk encryption, with no exceptions. - FileVault has been around for a long time, and with enterprise full disk encryption requirements becoming more and more standard, it's a good thing. Setting up FireVault for a user individually is a straightforward process. FireVault works by encrypting the volume that has your valuable data. And since you now know the boot process, your first question should be, "How in the heck does the firmware find the booter file "if it's on an encrypted volume?" Good question. It doesn't. Instead, when you set up FireVault, a small boot volume is created that has a minimal OS on it with a booter file that is just enough to let you authenticate with a valid FireVault-enabled user account. That authentication kicks off the volume decryption, and the process continues from there as you would expect. So, that's…
