From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Enterprise network integration with SSO

Enterprise network integration with SSO - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Enterprise network integration with SSO

- [Director] Active directory integration has been an important aspect of Mac and the enterprise for over a decade. The functionality hasn't always been stellar and a few developers met this challenge by developing AdmitMac, NOMAD, DAVE, and more over the years. Apple released SSO with Catalina which changed everything. Developers gained the ability to put single sign-on authentication directly into the applications that they're building, tying right into the SSO functionality now provided by the operating system. SSO extensions arrive on the IT administrator's map in Catalina, in iOS 13, and iPadOS 13. It's important to realize that these features apply across all of Apple's platforms in the enterprise. SSO extensions make it easy for users to use a credential from an identity provider to seamlessly authenticate to apps, websites, and other services. Which means IT administrators will have lots of robust options…
