From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Control caching on your network

Control caching on your network - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Control caching on your network

- [Instructor] Caching server is a danger to your network if not planned appropriately. If people turn it on at random, they can seriously alter the way mass amounts of traffic associated with Apple's services is managed, transferred, and routed around your LAN. Many years ago, when Apple first released the caching server and macOS server, I said that I believed everyone should have a macOS server, if only for that one feature, and I still believe that was true at the time. Today, however, with the product sitting in the sharing system preferences of every Mac shipped, it is possible for the service to create mayhem for Apple updates on your enterprise network. If users turn it on at random, they can seriously alter the way massive amounts of traffic associated with Apple's services is managed, transferred and routed around your LAN. I've already showed you how to set a profile to turn caching off so users cannot enable it on…
