From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Changes in Catalina

Changes in Catalina

- [Instructor] MacOS has experienced only a few major inflection points in its entire history. 10.15 is one such major inflection point for macOS, because so many fundamental parts of the system were altered. For the macOS user, it may be of interest that iTunes is no longer an application that ships with macOS, but realistically, it's not likely to impact you as an IT admin. Security changes, however, will. Apple is approaching security from multiple potential attack vectors lately. From those that are dangerous to the system itself, to those that are more of an acknowledgment that users need better tools to manage their availability to unwanted communication or access. The first and most obviously, is that we are finally reaping the rewards of moving to APFS in a tangible way that benefits security. We now have a read-only system volume. The start-up drive is no longer a single volume. It's now made up of two APFS…
