From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Airdropped into macOS

- [Instructor] You've been airdropped into a digital forest. You don't know where anything is, but you need to learn quickly. Many IT administrators recently tasked with a fleet of macOS systems feel just like this. As your guide to get you out of the forest there are some things I'm actually excited to show you along the way. I'm most excited about what the new sidecar feature opens up for portability with the macOS. The new Enterprise SSO enables bind less active directory and Apple's integration with cloud based authentication services enables in application authentication in ways never possible before. Every admin needs to understand MDM and how to use it to efficiency manage Apple technology. Caching is a double bladed sword you need to master. It can bring down a network if not controlled and save your entire network from floods of data if deployed properly. Hi, I'm Sean Colins. I've had a long and interesting relationship with macOS and Apple. I'm excited to share the best practices I've learned, and the changes I've discovered. Join me on my LinkedIn Learning course, specifically geared toward IT admin for macOS.
