From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

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Administer apps in the enterprise

Administer apps in the enterprise - Mac OS Tutorial

From the course: macOS for IT Administrators

Administer apps in the enterprise

- [Instructor] Large organizations face a number of challenges when managing their application ownership and licensing. Apple has made a great effort to make efficiency and organization a design principle that resulted in Apple Business Manager for businesses and the sibling system, Apple School Manager for academic institutions. Both schools and businesses have a similar challenge that ASM and ABM strive to resolve. Both need to purchase licenses for large numbers of applications on their users' behalf and then deploy those apps to the proper users in the proper groups all over the air with no drama. The Mac and iOS app stores are available within each of these systems for purchase and assignment to locations also defined within those systems, though they look different. In the old days, we were stuck using voucher codes to accomplish this. The organization could make bulk purchases of apps that could be deployed…
