From the course: LPIC-2 Linux Engineer (201-450) Cert Prep: 6 Networking Configuration

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Configuring wireless adapters

Configuring wireless adapters

- Wireless adapters don't configure themselves, do they? Join us. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. (chill electronic music) - Hello, welcome back to LPIC-2, I'm Zach. And who are you again? - I'm Don. - That's Don. (laughing) We're talking about all things LPIC-2 and configuring wireless adapters, that's where we are right this minute. I don't think that would be a big lift or is it? - No, it's not too bad, but you know, wireless adapters have kind of become the de facto standard for laptops and even a lot of desktops for getting connected to networks. In previous episodes, we've seen configuring wired adapters but in this episode, we're going to look at wireless specifically and some of the differences, because we have wireless encryption standards like WPA and WEP that we have to set up, pass keys, we have to be able to find the wireless network. And so these are extra steps involved in configuring a wireless…
