From the course: Learning Verilog for FPGA Development

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Continuous assignments

Continuous assignments

- [Instructor] At this point, we have seen some value assignments in the code, but you must know that varied log supports three very different types of assignments. First we have the continuous assignment and this is useful to hard wire a signal to a Boolean expression at all times. It uses the assign keyword and the equal operator. We also have the blocking assignment, which operates sequentially in procedural blogs. It uses the equal operator. And finally, there's the non-blocking assignment. This works concurrently within procedural blocks. It uses the left arrow operator. If you need to choose between blocking or non-blocking assignments, don't worry. There's a nice rule of thumb you may want to follow. Use blocking assignments for combinational logic, and non-blocking assignments for sequential logic. Now let me start by describing continuous assignments. Consider this module named Boolean, which implements a function…
