From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Understanding the menus

Understanding the menus - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Understanding the menus

- [Instructor] Now when we get into our menus, something that you should be made aware of is that based off of the application that you're in, your tools, your icons, your menus, what's available to you is going to change. So if I go into a different application, what I see here is gonna be a bit different based off of that application that I'm in. Think of it as your tools. If I go into a woodworking facility, well, I have tools specifically there for working with wood. If I go into a metalworking facility, same thing can be said there. I'm going to have tools specifically for working with metal. And that's what the menu, your icons, your tools are all about. So based off of this application that I'm in, you're going to see some differences between those applications within these menus. So if you're looking for a tool and you can't seem to find it, then chances are you may be in the wrong application. You wanna verify that you are in the correct application. Again, we're gonna be…
