From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Sketcher options

Sketcher options

- In a previous video I talked about some sketch options that were a part of the sketch internal to the sketch now there's a few options that I do need to talk about very important because you may experience a different environment based off of these options and that environment is something that as you enter in from the modeling application needs to be checked. So I'm gonna go all the way up to the menu button and I'm gonna go back down to preferences now you'll notice here in this video that preferences have a longer list of preferences because I'm in the modeling application and because of that the modeling application is sort of the one that sits above all of the other applications so I have a larger suite of preferences available to me and the one that I want to go into is modeling. Previously I spoke about sketch you can change those settings here as well, but currently I'm just going to go into modeling and once I go into modeling you'll notice that I have all sorts of…
