From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Ribbon, toolbars, and icons

Ribbon, toolbars, and icons - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Ribbon, toolbars, and icons

- [Instructor] Now, I wanna talk about your ribbon, your toolbars, and your icons. By default, based off of the application that you're in, you're gonna have all sorts of tools available to you in the ribbon. Something that Siemens has done for us is given us the super fluid ability to make modifications to the ribbon, the tools that we're looking at. So for example, we have a tool called direct sketch. For this course, we're gonna use a tool called sketch in task environment, so I wanna customize this ribbon, so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just gonna come out into the gray space, somewhere in the ribbon. Right mouse click, and once I right mouse click, you can scroll all the way to bottom and go to what's called customize. Now that we're in the customize menu, here, you're able to basically completely change your interface, what tools are on the ribbon, where the tools are at on the ribbon, the size of the icons. You can control your keyboard keys, so if you have…
