From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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- [Instructor] Now I wanna talk about the revolve tool. Revolve is just that. You're taking a sketch, a shape, a section, whatever you wanna call it, and revolving it around an axis. So to find revolve, gonna hit the little arrow down under the Extrude and select Revolve. So the section, what am I revolving? I'm gonna pick this sketch. Now, remember, when I pick my sketch, I wanna have my selection intent set correctly. So in this case, I'm just gonna say feature curves so it's gonna pick the whole sketch. Next thing I wanna do is specify my vector. I'm gonna pick my, as you can see, Z axis. When I pick a vector, it's also going to, in this case, infer that that is the true axis of rotation. I can specify a different point to be my axis rotation as well so it can be an offset point from the vector so you may have a tooling direction that you have to use and just simply your point as a reference for the rotation vector. Now the way this works, is off of my sketch I have my 0, 360 start…
