From the course: Learning Siemens NX

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Project: Valve housing model 1

Project: Valve housing model 1 - Siemens NX Tutorial

From the course: Learning Siemens NX

Project: Valve housing model 1

- [Instructor] Now that I have all my sketches for my valve housing, I'm gonna go ahead and create my solids, the main bodies so here I have my sketch for my main body. I'm just gonna go in, do an extrude, specify my sketch. So you can go and either enter in the value if you want or you can do simple addition, subtraction, that type of thing here inside of these text fields. Basically, the systems like this are super advanced calculators so there's something that you wanna put in here, as far as a formula goes, you can do it. So in this case, my distance is 57.2 for the entire length of the body but I only want half of that. So I'm just gonna say divide by two, hit enter, and there is my initial extrude. Boolean is set to none because there's no other bodies in the file so by default it has to be none and select your point. Now that I have my main body, I'm going to go in, gonna hide that sketch and I'm gonna show, sketch 001. So here I'm gonna create the flanch. I'm gonna start out…
